Overview: Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Japanese: 美少女戦士セーラームーン), is the first season of the 1992 anime television series, produced by Toei Animation and directed by
Junichi Sato, based on the Sailor Moon manga. 46 episodes were broadcast from March 7, 1992 to February 27, 1993 on TV Asahi. This season adapts the first arc of the manga, the "Dark Kingdom" arc
and was produced concurrently with the first story arc of the manga. While some very notable things changed from the manga (as with all of the seasons), it still adapted the basic
Plot Summary: Usagi Tsukino, a clumsy, emotional, 14-year-old girl, stumbles upon a talking cat named Luna. Luna tells her that she is destined to become Sailor Moon, the Pretty Sailor Suited Soldier of Love and Justice. It's up to Sailor Moon to find the other four Sailor Guardians and locate and protect the Legendary Silver Crystal and the missing Moon Princess. At the same time, all of the guardians must fight against the powers of the Dark Kingdom and uncover the memories of their past lives.